Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Mixing Joyce Pierce and Hosting the PopStars

Today was day five of mixing on Joyce's CD. The computer cooperated today (unlike the two days previous), and Steve and I got two songs finished.

The CD is turning out so well that I am going to get involved in marketing the album and Joyce! I'm not sure on what that looks like at the moment, but I will soon, (this means Logan gets to work on it and figure it out). By the way, Logan just returned from a four-day weekend in Nashville, and she is looking suspiciously happy. Hmmm....

Back to the mixing. I invited the PopStars to attend the mix session. Blythe was unable to make it :( but Tess and Taylor were there. I'm going to include some imagery of Joyce, Tess (wavy blonde), Taylor (straight blonde), Steve (young), and me (not as young). Oh, and you can tell Joyce because she is the most famous of all of us!!!!

Here we were:

Logan flew back from Nashville just to hang out with us.

As you can see, we had a lot of fun, and Steve's and my work got done as well. Thanks to Joyce for being a mentor for Tess and Taylor. Thanks to Tess and Taylor for thier energy and excitement. Blythe: We missed you!

I'm off to crash,.... one more day,...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a productive day. Hope it continues. I danced naked in the light of the moon the other night to ward off evil spells on the equipment. If you need further assistance, be advised that the first one is free but I am offering a special this week - 3 naked dancing sessions PLUS an extra howl at the moon for $2.99 plus tax. :)

Love that black shirt. Is it new?

5:13 AM  

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