Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I'm just about finished with the edits for Eileen Faxas' songs and I am super pumped at how they are turning out. I'll be mixing on the Saturday and Sunday following Thanksgiving, so while most of the world is sleeping off their MSG & table wine overloads, I'll be doing the deal in SugarHill's Studio A. Rainel Pino has done a superb job playing and arranging. Eileen's vocal performance, and indeed, her songwriting, have matured very quickly in the past year. The happy dilemma will be sequencing her new material with her stuff cut a year ago in a fashion that flatters the earlier material and doesn't simply overshadow it. (I've got some ideas already). As reported here before, on Eileen's sessions, the exec, Jorge, doesn't let us go unfed. So mixing will GREAT (right Jorge?).

Now, many of you continue to wonder at my relative silence regarding Sarah Sharp. Well, I've been sort of hedging my bets that it was going to keep going well, and I did NOT want to 'queer the deal' by continuing to report how incredible she, her band, and Kevin Ryan have been doing. Also, I had run out of hyperbolic superlatives a long time ago. Now the gloves are coming off. I'm going to throw caution to the wind and report that we cut 4 lead vocals in one 5 hour session(!x500) This has NEVER happened to me before. Kevin's arrangements are so baddass that Sarah is moved to sing her absolute best. Again, I find myself sort of sitting back and letting these two do their thing--any shine on my part is usually just their good work reflecting off of me!!

We're off to record more vocals today, and perhaps a guitar part as well.

Don't eat too much!!!



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